søndag den 27. januar 2013

The country of Cristobal Colón

For those of you who may not know this, Cristobal Colón is who we'd normally call Christopher Columbus. I'm not in America anymore and to be honest I seem to remember that this Cristobal is actually not from Spain. Nevertheless, it's relevant, because he was the great captain who sailed out from the Iberian peninsula to discover America. Why am I writing all of this you wonder? - Because I have returned to my Spanish home, the capital of their fabulous country, Madrid.

My internship at the Danish Embassy starts in less than 10 hours. It's very exciting!

onsdag den 16. januar 2013

You know you've been to the States when....

....there is peanutbutter in every cake, candy or sweet related treat you eat!! Only thing missing in the world of peanutbutter is a peanutbutter soda! Unless it already exists.....I wouldn't put it passed them.

...you develop a peanutbutter addiction within a matter of days...

....you weirdly enough are surprised that the real America isn't that much different from what you see in the movies. And you are relieved (based on the plot from 'Clueless' - best teen movie ever) that you never had to attend high school in the States.

...you never the less can't help but wonder which role or group you would have belonged to had you gone to high school there. In my case, I'd join glee - as in the tv show.

...temperatures are always insanely high and rarely below 0 even though it's snowing outside.

...you learn to love Netflix before it even hits your own country.

...get rid of all socialist values and become a capitalist the second you put your feet on American territory and barely notice spending $1000 on a 4-hour shopping trip in New York.

...feel an intense amount of stress when picking out a Halloween costume and being severely disappointed by the fact that you can be too old to go 'trick or treating'.

...feel kind of racist just looking at someone who's a slightly darker shade of pale (I know I'm not supposed to say that, but but.....)

...drink a 40 in a park after dark like a true criminal, because why wouldn't it be illegal to have a drink in public?!

...see deer and squirrels everywhere - even in the big city (maybe not the deer, but the squirrels!)

...slowly begin strategizing how best to survive the zombie apocalypse

...find a bible in your motel room

...only eat bread with holes in it. Yes, I am indeed referring to bagels and doughnuts. Delissssh, but why?

...fall in love with Oregon (and maybe an american boy too), because it is a beautiful state and everyone you meet are incredibly nice to you and your foreigness.

....you left your heart in Oregon